The Dinning Hall

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Sayoris pov

I woke up next to token with dry tears on his face. I guess he had a rough night. One look around my room told that what happened last night wasn't a dream. We're really in a killing game. That's my reality now and I have to face it head on if I want to have any chance of surviving.

"hey token" I shook the boy gently "come on. Its time to get up"

"mmm" he groaned as he sat up and rubbed his eyes tiredly "I'm guessing what happened last night wasn't just a bad dream"

"afraid not" I sighed.

"Well no use duelling on it I suppose" he said grabbing his clothes and running to the bathroom "I'm going to go get changed. Then we can go to the dining hall and plan out our next move"

"right" I nodded as I grabbed my own clothes. Tokens acting very differently then he was last night. Well I suppose it will be more useful to have him upbeat and motivated.

We walked to the dining hall together. I stared at token strangely. I still couldn't get his nightmare out of my head.

"no mommy please don't hurt me!"

What did he mean? Surely he doesn't mean- no I shouldn't think about that. We have much more pressing matters to deal with.

"Umm sayori we're here" token said waving a hand in my face.

"ah right!" I smiled at him and took a seat next to him.

"it seems our plan to escape has come up short" peako sighed.

"yes our plan to burrow like the rabbit unfortunately did not work" karai sighed.

"hey don't beat yourself up about it weird girl" marco said reassuringly "at least you tried to give everyone hope. That's more than the rest of us did!"

"thank you for the compliment tanned one" karai smiled at him.

"hey dose anyone have a decent escape idea around here" hidori yelled.

"I do!" Monokuma popped up.

"really? Cause we'd be really grateful for- ahhh" akamaru yelped once he realised who he was talking to.

"yeah I have plenty of murder ideas" Monokuma giggled.

"we're not looking for ways to murder" I sighed.

"oh you will be once I show you this motive. It's an old classic!" he yelled excitedly "come on down to the AV room kiddos" with that he disappeared.

We looked at each other nervously. I don't really have a choice. Let's see what motive Monokuma has cooked up!

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