Our Disfunctional Family

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Shuichis pov

I walked home to the usual.


"I can't believe you say that to me!"

"kaito please that wasn't me I would never-"

"don't give me that! Whether it's you or your personas all you ever do is hurt me!" kaito stormed off leaving leaving kokichi on his knees sobbing.

I ran up to Kokichi and hugged him "shh calm down kichi its ok" I said rubbing his back soothingly.

"it's all my fault *hic* I'm an awful person!" he sobbed into my chest.

"it's not your fault kichi you can't control what your personas say" I said reassuringly "now can you please explain to me what happened?"

"Well I was feeling a little stressed after a long day at work so I slipped into dice" he's talking about his dice persona. That's not good "he said some awful things to kaito including that it's his fault maki died"

"no" I gasped. I know what a sensitive topic that is for kaito.

"I shouldn't have let this happen. I'm so sorry" he said with tears in his eyes.

"hey" I gently cupped his face "you are not responsible for what your personas say or do. You have no reason to apologise"

Before kokichi could say anything we heard sobbing coming from kaitos room. I could immediately see the guilt in Kokichis eyes. I petted his head.

"I'll go talk to him. You stay here" he nodded and I walked into kaitos room.

I found kaito hugging a pillow with tears in his eyes. He usually hugs pillows when he's upset.

"hey baby you doing ok?" I asked gently.

He shook his head frantically.

"Well do you want to talk about it?" I said sitting next to him and taking his hand.

"shuichi" he choked out "I'm not a killer am I?"

"of course not" I said kissing his forehead "your too sweet for that"

He sighed "I shouldn't have yelled at kokichi"

"yeah but I can understand your frustration" I said rubbing noses with him "dealing with six people at once can be exhausting"

"I think... we should talk it out" kaito muttered.

"I think that's a very good idea" I said kissing him gently.

We walked out of the room where kokichi was nervously waiting. Once he saw kaito he burst into tears and hugged him.

"I'm sorry *hic* I'm so sorry"

"I'm sorry too" he said hugging him back.

I watched my boys proudly. We're not your typical, everyday family. We're messy and disfunctional but we love each other with all our hearts and at the end of the day that's all we need.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now