First Day In Playschool

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Kokichis pov

Today I was taken sayori in for her first day at day care. Toko and komarus kid token was coming with her so we didn't have to worry about her not making friends.

"now sweetie if you're feeling homesick you just tell the teacher and we'll come and pick you up ok?"

"okay mommy!" sayori chirped.

"ok have a good day sweetie!" she jumped out of the car and ran into the school. I lay back in the car seat with a sigh. I hope things go ok.

Sayoris pov

I walked into the school and shrunk down a little. The place is so big and there so many people! I spotted token in the crowd and smiled.

"hey token" I ran up to him with a smile on my face.

He poked his head up from the manga. His messy brown hair and thick rimmed glassed were very noticeable!

"oh thank god!" he sighed in relief "I've been surrounded by these weirdos for far too long!"

"I see your reading manga" I giggled.

"yeah my mommy doesn't like it when I read manga" he sighed "she says it will rot my brain and that it's too late for my other mommy"

"that's crazy!" I shook my head in disbelief. Tokens mommy's so strange!

"is that manga?" mommy's bosses son peako came up to us curiously.

"yessss" token held the book to his chest, staring at him suspiciously "are you a manga fan?"

"I'm not sure" he muttered "I've never read manga"

"in that case I must insist on introducing you to it" he pulled peako down and handed him a manga.

The three of us sat together reading manga. I so happy I made friends so quick!

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