A Second Pregnancy

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Shuichis pov

Me and kokichi were sitting in the living room relaxing after a long day at work when kaito burst in through the door.

"kichi!" kaito ran up and hugged the small boy "Congratulations darling. I'm so excited for our new baby"

"eh? Kaito I'm not pregnant" kokichi said looking very confused.

"yes you are. Hiros prediction said so!" kaito insisted.

"your taking the word of a fortune teller?" kokichi raised an eyebrow.

"I have to admit kaito that dose sound crazy" I said gently.

"I thought it was crazy too but he's been right about everything so far" kaito insisted.

"your an idiot" kokichi sighed.

"I'm telling the truth! You gotta believe me baby!" kaito said desperately.

Kokichi sighed "fine if you're this desperate then I'll take a pregnancy test" with that he ran up to the bathroom.

Me and kaito waited anxiously outside the bathroom door. I don't know why I'm so nervous. There's no way hiros prediction was right. Right?

Kokichi came out of the bathroom looking pale "holy shit I am pregnant!"

At first we were shocked but after the shock wore off we ran up and hugged him.

"hiro also said the baby was mine" kaito grinned.

"oh god help us all" kokichi muttered making me chuckle.

Our wholesome moment was cut off by kaitos phone ringing.

"oh shit it's kazuichi" kaito gulped "I forgot to return to work. I hope he's not too mad" he answered the phone "hey kazzy... Ok I get your mad but I can explain"

Me and kokichi giggled while kaito got chewed out by his old mentor.

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