Big Sister

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Kokichis pov

We walked into our home with kiba cooing softly in my arms. I can't wait to show him around. He feels so soft and warm in my arms. It truly felt like our little family was complete.

"come on kiba. Let's give you a tour of the house" I said showing him around the farmhouse "I'm afraid this isn't our real home since our house is dangerous at the moment but hopefully we'll be able to return home soon. For now let's get you used to your grandparents home"

"ababa" kiba cooed happily. He's a much more talkative baby than sayori was. He must take that after his father!

After a small tour of the house I put kiba down for a nap. Sayori came into the room and silently watched him.

"he's a very cute baby mama" she muttered "I promise to take care of him forever and protect him from any danger"

"that's a good girl" I said petting her head "I knew you'd make an amazing big sister"

"hehe thanks mama" she smiled brightly.

I pulled her into a hug "my little family" I muttered as I kissed her forehead and watched my baby boy sleep.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now