A Killing Game

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Kibas pov

Kayla clung to me as we walked in. I had a bad feeling about this. What was waiting for us was five small bears similar to the black and white one we saw in the monitor.

"greetings contestants" the red and white one said cheerfully "allow us to introduce ourselves. I'm monotaro!"

"I'm monosuke" the yellow and white one said.

"I'm monophanie I hope we get along" the pink and white one said sweetly.

"I'm monokid bitches!" the blue and white one said loudly.

"........." the robotic looking one was completely silent.

"oh and that's monodam. He doesn't talk much" monotaro explained.

"enough of the introduction tell us why we're here" juno demanded.

"oh good question why are you here" monotaro said thoughtfully.

"you seriously forgot" monosuke shook his head.

"haha dumbass!" monokid laughed.

"let's just let daddy explain ok!" monophanie said.

"thanks for the introduction kids!" we looked up at the stage to see the same bear that we saw in the monitor. "greetings students I'm Monokuma your new headmaster!"

"headmaster?" himari said looking confused.

"yep daddy's your new headmaster" monotaro said excitedly.

"and that's not all. Daddy's also putting you brats through a killing game!" monosuke grinned.

"that's right kids!" Monokuma grinned.

"whoe back up a bit did you say killing game?" anzu asked nervously.

"indeed I did!" Monokuma grinned "you kids are going to take part in my killing game!"

We were too shocked to speak. A killing game! He can't be serious about that!

"like fuck we are!" jakku growled.

"yeah there's no way we'd ever kill each other" I said firmly.

"really? Not even to escape?" Monokuma questioned.

"no absolutely not!" I yelled. I heard the others murmur in agreement.

"what a strong will you have young man but just remember even the strongest boulders eventually crumble" he left those chilling words in the air as he left with the monokubs.

We were left alone with awful thoughts and a chilling atmosphere.

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