Workout Routine

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Sayoris pov

"alright everyone let's begin! A daily exercise routine is key to keeping a sound body and mind"

I sighed. Akamaru dragged us out of our bedroom at eight in the morning to do daily exercises. Right now he was having us do stretches before starting the real exercise.

"I get that exercise is important but damn I want my beauty sleep" Marco muttered.

"sleep is a small price to pay for good mental and physical health!" akamaru insisted "this will be the best way for us to avoid us going into depression"

"but isn't sleep also important for those factors" talya pointed out.

"Well just go to bed earlier you'll be fine" akamaru said looking annoyed.

We all sighed. There's just no talking to him!

"alright gang let's get started with some simple stretches. After all we want to avoid any injuries if possible"

"We could get injured doing this" polo yelped.

"of course you can. What are you stupid!" hidori yelled making polo whimper nervously.

"hey don't mock my little brother bitch!" marco growled.

"don't call me a bitch basturd!" hidori growled back.

"guys please stay on track" akamaru pleaded.

I sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder "akamaru I don't think this is going to work out"

He sighed "I was just hoping that if I could distract everyone with a daily routine then the killings would stop"

"I understand where you're coming from but I don't think anyones ready for this"

"I understand" he nodded and turned to the others "ok everyone let's leave it for now"

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