Cannibalism Party

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Talias pov

"annnnd done!" akamaru dusted his hands after helping peako take down the guards.

"right let's get moving boys" I nodded as we ran out of the prison.

We ran through the unfermillier house hoping to find a way out. We quickly stopped in our tracks however when we caught sight of the house guests.

It was three large men eating what looked to be human body parts! I had to cover my mouth to stop myself from vomiting.

"dose that look apatitesing akamaru" I said in an attempt to make a joke in order to take my mind off the gruesome sight.

"of course not. Even I have standards" akamaru muttered looking pale.

"guys I think they've noticed us" peako pointed to the three men who now had their eyes on us.

"fresh meat" one of the men grinned while picking up a buther knife.

Peako quickly unseethed his sword while akamaru put his fists up. This is going to be a tough fight-

My thoughts were cut off by the front door revealing a pair of red eyes and a pair of scissors.

"oh boy looks like a party!"

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