Kaitos Trip To Space

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Shuichis pov

"alright sidekicks it's time for me to fulfil my dream of going to Space!"

Today's the day. The day Nasa decided to send kaito. We all knew this day would eventually come but it hurt none the less.

"shuichi. Hey honey are you crying?" kaito gently touched my cheek with was now stained in tears.

"I'm just going to miss you. That's all" I muttered shyly.

"hey don't worry about that. I'll be back in a year or two and you'll have kokichi and sayori to keep you company"

"yeah I guess so" I smiled through the tears.

"good luck out there spaceman" kokichi grinned "make us proud ok"

"will do boss" kaito said giving him a mock salute.

"bye bye kai-chan" sayori waved shyly.

"bye bye sweetheart" kaito said petting her on the head "you look out for mommy and daddy while I'm gone ok?"

"kay" she said trying to hold back tears.

"oh I almost forgot" he reached into his bag and pulled out a toy hyena (sayoris favourite animal) in a nasa t-shirt "had it made just for you baby girl. A gift to remember me by"

"daddy!" sayori ran up and hugged him with tears in her eyes. Kaito grinned and pulled the rest of us in for a hug.

"my family" he said happily "the family I'll be looking forward to returning to"

We waved as he entered the rocket ship and kept waving until the rocket disappeared into space.

We hopped into the car and drove home. I looked back at sayori who was hugging her new toy with a small smile on her face. I smiled peacefully. Things are going to be tougher with kaito gone but I'm sure we'll be just fine!

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