Rescue Mission

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Sayoris pov

"this is where me and my family were kept" anzu pointed to the large mansion "it's definitely where the other families are being kept too"

I inspected the door "looks like it's bolted shut. I can't see us getting in too easily"

"crap!" kuya muttered "this is bad. How on earth do we get in here-"


We turned around to see token with red eyes and a sadistic grin. Looks like Jack's back!

"wow we're back outside" jack said twirling around "looks like I missed something but it was pretty mean of you guys to leave me out of the loop. Hahaha!"

"it's that easy for token to switch Personalitys" polo said looking uneasy.

"whoe" he got up close to kuya "hey is that the hot one? Did you get a sex change while I was gone?"

"get away from me you freak!" kuya backed up nervously.

Naoko stood in front of him "this is talyas little brother kuya"

"oh I see" Jack giggled while kuya and anzu stared at him in disbelief. We'll have to explain this to them later!

"logically speaking talya should be trapped in there along with akamaru and peako" Naoko muttered to herself.

"talya trapped in there" Jack yelled in a worried tone? "hang on my love I'm coming!" with one kick he managed to take the heavily bolted door off its hinges! I stared at him in disbelief. I had no idea token was this strong!

We looked inside to see three men covered in human blood surrounding our friends. At the table were human limbs.

"wow looks like a party in here!" Jack laughed.

"holy crap those scissors" one man pointed a shaky finger at Jack's scissors "it's genocide Jack!"

The two other men screamed.

"oh hell no! There's no way I'm dealing with that kind of crazy!" with that the men ran off.

"aww and I was hoping to torture them too" Jack sighed in disappointment.

"peako!" polo ran up and hugged peakos waist "thank goodness. I was so worried about you"

"don't worry polo. I'm just fine" peako said hugging him back.

"talya" kuya slowly walked up to her with tears in his eyes. Suddenly he dived into her chest sobbing "I can't believe your alive. I so sorry for the way I treated you. I didn't mean the things I said. I was just angry"

"kuya you really don't hate me?" she said tearing up herself "I'm so glad" she hugged her brother close. I teared up slightly. This whole thing is really making me miss my own brother. I hope he's safe.

The touching reunion was quickly interrupted by tsmugis apprentice aiyo appearing on the monitor.

"wow you really managed to beat my cannibal friends!" she gasped "ok you win. Meet me in my room" with that the monitor shut off.

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