Dining Hall Surprise

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Sayoris pov

I sat in bed that night twirling a pocket knife around my fingers. The same question kept running through my mind. Should I kill someone to save my family? Sure killing someone would spare their life but it would also mean I would have to sacrifice token and the others to escape. Can I really do that? I'm I really that cold blooded?

My thoughts were cut off by a strange announcement.

"a body has been discovered! Please come to the dining hall to begin the investigation!"

What dose he mean by a body has been discovered? Had someone been killed? I stood up on shaky legs and ran to the dining hall.

What was waiting for me there was the shocked faces of my friends and the dead body of tenso Hannamora.

"alright its finally happened! I knew laying out a Motive was the right call" Monokuma cheered.

"you. Your getting a sick pleasure out of this aren't you!" marco glared at him.

"of course! There's nothing better then seeing young faces filled with dispair" Monokuma said in a gruff voice.

"gah he's totally getting off on this!" token yelled.

"forget about him" I said firmly "we have a killer to find"

"what!" everyone yelled in unison.

"this is bullshit!" marco yelled "why do we have to do it!"

"because I am a detective and I take my job of bringing criminals to justice very seriously"

"wow you sounded like a cool anime protagonist just now" Monokuma gushed.

"you get out of here!" I yelled.

"okie doki but first I need to give you the Monokuma file!" he handed each a file "ok I'll go now bye!" he disappeared.

I looked at the file in confusion. What even is this thing? I opened it up and it showed various info about the victim.

Victim: tenso Hannamora
Age: 15
Cause of death: stabbed in the head.
Time of death: 11:50pm

Oh well that's helpful!


I took a closer look at the victim. Their was a kunai sticking out of his head.


I stared at it for a moment. The kunai was sticking out in an upward angle, indicating that it was throw from a hight. But where could the killer have thrown this.

I studied the rooftops of the dining hall and found something very interesting. A footprint on the wooden support beam.


"look at this sayori" akamaru said stuffing his face with food "I found this half eaten food on the table. I think tenso was having a midnight snack before he died"

"hey stop eating the evidents you idiot!" token yelled.

Eaten or not this could provide a possible theroy on how our victim ended up in the dinning hall at night.


I noticed polo was acting a little strange. I walked up and tapped him on the shoulder. He immediately jumped.

"you ok? You seem a little jumpy"

"Well not really I saw something scary last night?" he whimpered.

"something scary?"

"yeah I went to get a glass of water last night but before I could get to the kitchen I heard someone in there. I peaked in and saw a person dressed in all black"

"you saw that! Then you can tell us who the killer is" I gasped.

"sorry I got so freaked out that I ran away before I got a look at them" he said with a guilty look on his face.

I placed a hand on his shoulder " it's not your fault polo. You must have been really scared"

"I was! Peako found me freaking out in the hallway and invited me into his room. I was really grateful for that since I didn't want to spend the night alone" so they spent the night together. That means polo has a solid testimoni.


"hey should we check the furnace next" mibuki asked "the killer could have tried to distroy some evidence"

"good point" I nodded "I'll go check it out"

"hold on" marco stood in front of me "you should have someone come with you. You know just in case you're the killer trying to distroy evidence"

"very well" I nodded "token you come with me"

"sure" token muttered as he followed me to the furnace.

We searched through the furnace for anything that could be evidence. I was about to give up when...

"hey sayori check this out" he showed me a black cloth. Just like the one polo discribed.


Suddenly the monitor switched on "ok so I'm getting bored. Let's get this show on the road!" it switched off.

I took a deep breath and walked to the red room with token by my side.

It's time.

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