Friends Hangout

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Sayoris pov

One year later

"welcome back sayori"

I walked into our hideout to see all my friends smiling at me. Token, naoko, talya, peako, polo, kuya and akamaru.

Talya walked up to me with a mischievous smile. She's up to something "come with me I'd like to talk to you" she dragged me off to a spot far away from the others.

She looked over at naoko and kuya who were holding hands and sighed "I still can't believe my kid brothers dating. Oh well at least it's naoko he's dating. I know he's in good hands with her"

"yeah" I nodded "so why did you drag me out here?"

"oh that" she giggled "I set you up on a date with token!"

"you what!" I yelped "why would you do that!"

"because everyone here is in a relationship. Even I started dating akamaru"

"I still don't know how that happened" I muttered.

"plus I've seen the why you and token look at each other. You understand each other better than anyone so you should definitely give each other a go!" I gotta admit she's pretty persuasive.

"fine I'll try it out" I sighed.

"I knew you'd agree" she placed one hand on her hip with a smile "ok you'll meet at the towa city diner, take a walk around the park and walk each other home. Now I'll inform token of our plans. I have a feeling I can convince him to go along with our plans" I rolled my eyes with a fond smile on my face.

I guess I got a date!

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