Polo's New Found Strength

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Sayoris pov

We were all sitting in silence in the dinning hall when...

"I'm back baby!" we turned around to see token but with red eyes. Looks like Jack's back.

"oh great your back" I said sarcastically. I miss token.

"yeah I'm back" he giggled "he turned his attention to polo "yo twin boy where's your other half? It's weird to see one without the other"

Polo's eyes went dark. Oh this isn't good.

"he died didn't he" he grinned menisingly.

He's pushing him too much. We have to step in and stop him-

"yes he died" polo said quietly. He looked up at him with determined eyes "he was the bravest person I know and I'm going to work hard to be just a brave as he was. I'll be brave and I'll make sure no one else dies here!"

We were all surprised by polo's speech. Especially Jack who was grinning even wider than before.

"wow I like this new you" he walked over and roughly petted polo on the head "your going to be fun to play with-"

"touch him again and I'll make sure you regret it" peako said pointing his sword at Jack's throat.

"whoe take it easy buddy. I'm sure you don't want to hurt the whimp inside me"

"your right I don't" he said putting his sword away. He turned to polo "you've always been so kind and sweet polo. It's what I loved most about you but seeing this newfound strength of yours. It's made me so proud" he cupped his cheeks "I'm so proud to call myself your boyfriend"

"hehe thanks. I couldn't have done any of this without your support" he said hugging peakos waist.

"eww gays" Jack gagged.

I smacked him over the head.


"don't ruin the moment Jack" I glared at him. I was happy however. Things really seem to be going our way.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now