Taking Us All Down

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Rais pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. Another murder has taken place and I have an idea who it is. Kibas not going to like my answer though.

"ok where do we start?" the hyper one asked.

"obviously we start with the cause of death" Joseph rolled his eyes.

"hey no need to be mean dude. I'm just asking!" the hyper one pouted.

"this is our second time doing this and you're still so clueless" Komaeda sighed.


"enough bickering" I sighed "medic you've given the victim an abtopsi haven't you?"

"Umm yes" the medic muttered nervously.

"then kindly tell us the victims cause of death"

"are you ever going to learn their names?" kiba asked


"goddammit Rai!"

"Umm anyway" the medic spoke up "jakkus body was found in the water tank that kalya preformed her magic tricks in"

"Well yeah we already knew that" the male twin muttered "he drowned right?"

"actually no"

"what do you mean no!" the female twin yelped.

"I checked his lungs and they weren't filled with water like you'd typically see with a drowned Victim" she explained.

"so what dose that mean?" the hyper one asked.

"it means jakku was killed before he even entered the tub of water" I said pushing my glasses up.

Everyone gasped.

"hold it right there buster" the hyper one yelled "he never drowned? How can you say that? There's no way you can prove that for sure!"

"anzus got a point Rai" kiba muttered "how are you going to convince him?"

"simple. I'll use logic to break down his argument" I said before turning to him.

"it's pretty simple to prove that he didn't drown. When a person drowns their lungs fill up with water as a result of breathing in the water but as the medic already said his lungs weren't filled with water so we can assume that he wasn't breathing when he was in the water tank"

"can't argue with that" he chuckled. At least he didn't continue to argue with me. That would have been annoying.

"so if drowning didn't kill him then what did?" Joseph asked.

"I think I can answer that" Jim muttered "there was a hole in the side of his temple. I found it while looking for clues on his body"

"whoe nice job detective boy" Komaeda flashed him a thumbs up.

"Umm thank you" Jim muttered blushing slightly.

"I have no idea what that hole is but the obvious suspect in this case is the white haired girl" I pointed to her.

Everyone gasped.

"w-what me?" she muttered in disbelief.

"You threw together a magic Show and someone died. Pretty suspicious don't you think?" I pressed her.

"I was just trying to make everyone feel better" she said tearfully.

"a likely story"

"Rai! What the hell are you doing!" kiba yelled.

"if you don't understand then stay quiet"

"you've got it wrong man. She's not the killer"

"and how do you know?"


"if your going to stutter like before then don't bother-"

"because it was clearly a gunshot wound" kiba spoke up "I mean it was identical to the wound in tammys chest. I'm sure of it cause I'll never forget the way she looked when she died"

I stopped for a moment. He has a point "don't be redikulous! You can't get a hold of guns in this place. The only one who had a gun was the sniper and she's long dead"

"yeah but jakku was close to her. There's a chance he could get hold of a gun if he wanted to"

My eyes widened. How did I not see it before! "how did you know that?"

"it pays to get to know the people you're stuck with" kiba giggled.

"yes I suppose it does" I sighed. I turned my attention to the white haired girl "you should thank your lucky stars. Kiba just saved your life"

"he did" she tilted her head in confusion.

"yes he did" I turned my attention to the others "everything I found out who the real killer is"

"you do!" the gardener gasped "Well tell us please!"

"simple. It was jakku himself!"

"ehh" they all yelled in unison.

"so your saying that jakku killed himself" Joseph said in disbelief.

"yes I am" I said with a serious expression "jakku was very close to the sniper. Her death probably pushed him to commit suicide not to mention he would have gotten hold of a gun which is most likely where the hole in his head"

"of course. It's all makes sense" Jim gasped "Rai you've impressed me once again"

"it actually wasn't me who came up with it" I admitted "It was kiba"

"kiba huh? You two are one hell of a team" the hyper one chuckled.

"wait if he committed suicide then how come we never found a suicide note or anything like that?"Komaeda asked. the others murmured in agreement.

She makes a good point. Where did the suicide note go? How do I make this make sense? My eyes widened in realisation "dear God. He wanted us to fail this whole time"

"a suicide to get the rest of us killed in the class Trail" Jim muttered "probably as a way to get revenge for miwas death"

"that basturd!" Joseph growled.

"alright kiddos enough talking" Monokuma yelled "just get to the voting already!"

We all nodded and voted for jakku.

"yeah you got it right" Monokuma said looking disappointed "aww I was hoping that I could execute some you brats! Oh well I guess I'll just have to execute my adorable cubs"

"say what papa-" before monotaro could finish his sentence he and the rest of his siblings were dropped down a trap down and into their brutal execution.

"so this is what an execution looks like" kiba said in horror "I just hope I never have to see a human get executed like that"

"yeah let's hope so" I muttered.

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