Another Trail

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Sayoris pov

We all took our places at the stands once again. Another murder took place. I was hoping this would never happen again but I suppose that was nieve of me. Now I need to correct my mistake by taking the blackened down!

"man this is real messed up" marco sighed "what kind of messed up basturd would kill a girl in such a brutal way?"

"this could have only been caused by the killer genocide jack" talya muttered.

"do you really think it's possible that the killers hiding among us" polo asked nervously.

"I'm positive of it" she smiled confidently.

"what makes you so sure?" naoko asked.

Talya pulled out the genocide jack folder "I read this file from top to bottom and mesmerised the whole thing"

"you mesmerised an entire murder file? Yeah that's definitely normal" hidori sneered.

"if I wanted your worthless opinion I would have asked for it" talya glared at her.

"hey no need to be rude" hidori teared up.

"anyway as I was saying before I was rudely interrupted by that inset" wow she dose not hold back! "everything in mibukis murder matches up perfectly with the genocide Jack cases. The bloody message, how the body was positioned, even the scissors used  to prop up her body are a exact match to the case files"

"I can see your reasoning" naoko muttered "but I think it's slightly flawed"

"no its not!" konnie jumped in "in fact I know who the killer is. It's token!"

Everyone gasped.

"w-what!" token stuttered.

"you basturd!" marco yelled.

"I knew it had to be a little wesal like you" hidori glared.

"could token really have done such a thing?" akamaru muttered unsurely.

"it's not true!" I yelled "konnie you shouldn't make such baseless claims"

"oh but it isn't baseless" konnie giggled "and you should know that dear detective. After all there's a clear connection between token and the scissors. His reaction after finding the body is proof enough of that"

"n-no not the scissors!" token clutched his head in pain.

"token calm down" I told him calmly "konnie you need to stop. Your bringing up unnecessary trauma for him!"

"but it's not unnecessary" she had a gleem in her eye. I didn't like this "we need to be find the killer no matter how much pain we have to cause others. Isn't that what you did with karai? Why should token be any different?"

"n-no that's not what I was trying to do" I fumbled with my words. Why am I struggling so much? I promised I'd bring justice to any victim I came across but hurting others isn't part of what I do right?

My thoughts were cut off by a loud thud. Token had feinted.

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