Tokens Trauma

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Tokens pov

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. His mother hurt him?

"well to be more specific my mother's spilt p-personality hurt me" he gripped his knees nervously.

"her spilt personality?" is it something like my mother has?

"yeah it's called genocide jack. It was a ex serial killer back in the day" he muttered. An ex serial killer? This story just getting more and more crazy!

"it was just another regular day. Me and my mom were arguing over something stupid when she suddenly sneezed" he was shaking at this point "Her eyes were blood red and she had a long tongue. She pulled out a pair of scissors and cut all the way down my arm" he rolled up his sleeve to show a nasty scar all the way up his forearm. I couldn't help but shiver when I looked at it "she eventually left me alone and I patched myself up but the fear I felt that day still lingers"

"so that's why you spent every night at my place" I muttered.

"yeah I couldn't sleep under the same roof as her. I was too afraid of genocide Jack coming for me" he shivered.

"I'm sorry token. I should have looked more into your situation" I sighed.

"don't blame yourself" he muttered "I didn't tell anyone about this. Not even my own mothers"

"still I'm a detective I should have known what was going on in my friends life-"

"stop it!" he yelled with tears in his eyes "I'm the one who doesn't trust anyone who breathes. I'm the one who always sees the worst in person. I'm the one who resented my mother for something she couldn't control. Don't you get it? I'm the problem not you!"

I pulled him into a hug "your not a problem token. You have trust issues and that's not your fault. I'm here if you need to talk to me about anything" he nodded and cryed into my chest. I held him close and gently rocked him in my arms.

From now on I'm going to keep him safe!

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now