Split Personality!

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Sayoris pov

I stared at tokens unconscious body in shock. Sure he's gotten stressed before but never to the point of fainting.

"ok this is new" I muttered.

Suddenly he jumped back onto his feet but something was different. His eyes were bright red and he had a sadistic smile on his face.

"holy crap I've finally been let out" he yelled "that twerp kept me locked up for wayyyy too long"

"w-w-what the hells going on!" marco yelled.

"what an interesting development!" konnie gasped "it seems token wasn't really genocide Jack but his spilt Personality was!"

"a split personality!" polo yelped.

"that's seems to be what's going on. There's no other explanation for it" peako muttered.

"yeah I get what most of you are thinking but genocide Jack? You guys are totally bent!" token? said in a amused tone.

"why the hell should we listen to a phyco like you!" marco yelled.

"no he's telling the truth" I chimed in "token told me before all this started that his mother had a split personality called genocide Jack"

"what did you say?" talya gasped.

"jeez toots are you as deaf as you are attractive? She's saying that genocide Jack isn't me but my bitch of a mother! But I'm fine with you guys calling me Jack if that's easier to remember" he burst into a fit of laughter.

"genocide Jack is his mother?" talya muttered in disbelief.

"that doesn't really matter though. He's still the one who killed midori right?" hidori yelled accusingly.

"mmm nah I don't do the whole killing thing" Jack said dismissively


"yeah I must prefer to see my victims in pain and having to live through that pain. I'm a bit of a statist you know. Bahahahaha!" he started laughing again.

"I don't know if I trust this guy" akamaru muttered.

"Well there is other things that prove that this killing wasn't caused by Jack" naoko spoke up "sayori why don't you tell them. You'd be better at explaining this then me"

I nodded "talya it is true that the bloody message and position of the body is the same as the genocide jack cases but if you look closely at the scissors you'll see... that their fake!"

Talya gasped "I can't believe I missed that. I feel so ashamed"

"you know talya pushed the whole genocide Jack theory in the first place. Doesn't that make her suspicious?" hidori pointed out. The others murmured in agreement.

"I see so the suspicion falls on me. I suppose that's fair" she muttered.

She was completely calm in this situation. She wasn't showing the slightest hint of guilt. Either she's an incredible actress or she's not our blackened!

"hmm I don't think talyas the killer" I spoke up.

"what the hell are you talking about! Of course she's the killer!" ami yelled "she killed that poor girl and dragged her into the gym!"

"what do you mean dragged her into the gym?" I glared suspiciously at him "we were all under the impression that she was killed in the gym. Do you know someone we don't know?"

His eyes widened "no I just tend to word things wrong sometimes. Sorry to confuse everyone" I could see a clear look of guilt on his face that talya was lacking. Oh yeah I think we found our killer.

"Well your absolutely right. Me and token found a blood in the music room that suggests that she was killed there and a stab wound in her head" I smiled confidently.

"oh really? What a coincidence" ami laughed nervously.

"we also found this knife hidden in the piano with a dove pattern on it" I showed everyone the knife "it looks like the same pattern that's on the front of your deck!"

"ohhhhh this is getting juicy" Jack said excitedly.

"Well ami what do you have to say for yourself!" I pointed at him accusingly.

"I-I-I" he stuttered. He can't even defend himself. This is just sad.

"we're done here. Let's end this now" I turned away from him.

We all voted for ami and got it right.

"I one question for you" I said to him "How did you manage to get into the girls locker rooms? They don't allow boys in there you know"

"oh I used karais key card to get in" ami explained "they were just laying around so it was easy enough to do"

"now you gotta explain why you took an innocent girls life you basturd!" marco growled.

"ah that's too easy to explain" ami sighed "but I guess it had to do with the motive"

"the secret motive" naoko muttered.

"yeah" he sighed again "I didn't want to tell anyone but I guess I owe it to ya. My secret was that I wasn't born into royalty"

"I don't get it" akamaru muttered.

"you see my mother is the queen of a foreign country but she's not my biological mother. My biological mother is her wife chiaki. Me and my little brother don't have royal blood. This may not seem like a big deal to you but if this got out it could be bad news for my family. The people of our country may even make my mother step down as queen. I couldn't allow that to happen" he had tears in her eyes "all this happened because I didn't place enough trust in you all. For that I am deeply sorry"

"alright enough of the sappy stuff" Monokuma yelled "it's punishment Time!"

Ami turned to us one last time "I don't expect any of you to forgive me but just know that I regret my actions wholeheartedly and I hope we can see each other again someday"

"let's give it everything we've got! Iiiiiiits punishment Time!"

Ami was sitting on the throne peacefully looking through his deck when a load bang came from the door. His family picture fell and smashed into several pieces.

Ami neverminds execution
The heart of the cards

A mob of angry villagers burst though the door. Ami ran out to the balcony and his deck turned into a bridge. He ran down the bridge of cards and he almost made it out but was distracted by a public hanging. The victims were two women and one little boy. They were all wearing bags on their heads. Ami was too distracted to notice the blue eyes white dragon coming towards him. Before he knew it the dragon had grabbed him and was eating him alive.

"hey sayori" marco timidity tapped me on the shoulder "oh geez how do I say this. I'm really sorry for the way I treated you. I was angry about karais death and I blamed you for it but that wasn't right"

"it's fine. I didn't handle that situation very professionally" I muttered.

"tch your not supposed to be handling a situation as batshit crazy as this professionally. This shit shouldn't even be happening in the first place! But I guess if we can learn one thing from this experience it's that we gotta trust each other more" he grinned and held out his hand. I smiled and shook it.

At least this is something to take away from this awful experience.

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