Ending This

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Kibas pov

I was sitting in the dinning hall. I looked around at everyone's face. They were so full of grief and Dispair. We couldn't take much more of this

I tightened my fist. This isn't fair!

"kiba keep your emotions in check" Rai warned me.

"why should I" I argued "their killing us!"

"yes and picking a fight with our captor is a sure fire way to get killed alot faster"

"to hell with that. I'm talking to the bear!"

"kiba don't you dare"

"you can't stop me Rai. My body my rules!"


I slammed my fist on the table "alright you coweredly bear get out here! I want to speak to you" the others looked shocked by my actions. Eh they'll thank me later!

"ok what do you want kid?" Monokuma grumbled.

"I sick of this bullshit! How do we get out?" I asked.

"I already made the rules of the game clear you dumb kid!" he said in an annoyed tone "if you want to escape all you have to do is ki-"

"to hell with that!" I slammed my fist against the table "I want all nine of us to escape. How do I do that"

"don't you think your being a little greedy?" Monokuma folded his arms.

"no I'm not!" I yelled "I'll do anything just let us go!"

"anything huh?" Monokuma chuckled "alright kid tell ya what. Since I'm such a generous bear I make a deal with you"

"really?" my eyes lit up. Finally some hope!

"ok here's the deal. If you can find out who I am behind this devilishly hansome bear then I'll execute myself and let you escape but if you can't find out who I am then I'll execute all of you instead!" the bear laughed.

I gotta admit that threat is pretty intimating but there's no way I can back down now!

"alright bear your on!" I leaned in with a confident grin.

"pretty confident aren't you? Phuhuhu can't wait to crush you kids into the dust!" with that he waddled away.

"you crazy son of a bitch!" jojo slapped me on the back "alright pal let's get out of here together!" the others cheered. I guess their on board with my plan!

"nice work kiba" I heard Rai mutter "I guess letting you speak your mind isn't always a bad thing!"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now