Token And Sayoris Date Night

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Sayoris pov

"are you sure she's old enough to go on a date?!"

My dad paced around anxiously. He was alot more freaked out about this date than I am!

"kaito she's sixteen. The same age we were when we started dating" mom pointed out.

"yeah but isn't there different rules for girls" dad scratched his head.

"no your just a overprotective dad" my other dad said hugging his arm.

"honestly I think it's wonderful that you're dating tokos little boy. It feels like we're a real family now" mom smiled gently.

"mom we're not dating yet!" I yelled turning red.

"sure your not honey" mom giggled as he kissed my forehead.

"sayori if that twerp tries anything just call me and I'll beat him to a pulp" dad said bumping his fists together.

"I'll keep that in mind" I chuckled nervously.

"have fun honey" my other dad smiled.

"thanks guys" I said as I walked out  the door.

"sayori wait!" kiba ran up to me.

"what is it kiba?" I bent down to his level.

"tell token that if he wants to date you he has to get my permission first" kiba said with a serious expression.

"hehe I will" I said kissing him on the forehead "goodbye guys"

"bye sayori!"

I walked to the diner where we were going to eat together. I saw token outside in a suit.

"hello token. You look good." I commented on his clothing.

He immediately went red "t-thanks. You look pretty good yourself" he commented on my red dress "it's nice to know I'm not the only one who put in some effort"

"yeah" I smiled at him.

We walked inside and ordered our food. chatted for a while until our dishes arrived. Once we finish eating we payed for our food and left.

He took me to a beautiful park where he remembered hiding from his mother. I glad he's able to enjoy this beautiful park now. We walked for a bit and sat down on a empty bench.



"close your eyes."


"just close them!"

I sighed and did what I was told. I felt a pair of soft lips against mine. I opened my eyes to see that token had kissed me!

"it was my way of saying thank you for a wonderful day" token said blushing. "plus this way we can be soalmates forever."


"I'll see you tomorrow sayori" he ran off in a flustered mess.

I was left on the bench with my cheeks tinted pink. I'm going to have to thank talya for talking me into this.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now