Funeral Day

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Sayoris pov

One week later

I looked at myself in the mirror. I was wearing a black dress for the funeral of my classmates who died in the killing game. I could already tell that this was going to be difficult.

"hey honey" mom walked into my room. He looked me up and down with a sad smile "you look great"

"thanks" I sighed "today's not going to be easy"

"funerals never are my dear" he said pulling me into a hug. It's nice getting a hug from my mother. He's shorter than me but it still feels warm and safe.

"right guys we should get going" shuichi said somberly. My parents have been through several funerals in their time so I suppose this is just natural to them.

We arrived at the church to see seven coffins in a row. This sight makes the events of the killing game feel all the more real. I can't escape it.

We watched as they lowered the bodies into the ground. Kazuichi burst into tears as his daughter was buried. Gundam held him close with a sad look on his face.

"jojo!" kiba ran up to the tanakas son "I really sorry about what happened your sister man"

"so am I kiba so am I" he sighed.

I looked around helplessly. The Graveyard was full of grieving family. Mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters who were crying over the children who lost their lives for the sake of someone else's sick entertainment. This isn't right. None of this is right! I thought back to what aiyo said.

"I'm going to start a killing game of my own!"

I clenched my fist. I can't let that happen. No matter what I can't let this tragedy happen again-

"sayori" kiba looked at me worriedly "hey its ok big sis" he took my hand "their in a better place now and I'm sure they wouldn't want you to feel sad"

I smiled and hugged him "thanks kiba. I needed that"

"anytime" he grinned up at me.

No matter what I have to keep him safe from the new tragedy that's going to start.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now