Our Little Girl

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Kokichis pov

"who's mommy's little girl sayori? You are! Yes you are!" I said gently bouncing her in my arms as she giggled delightedly.

Kaito came up behind me and nuzzled into my neck "shouldn't you be resting mister?"

"aww but I wanted to see my little girl" I said kissing her nose.

"she sure dose love her mommy" kaito smiled warmly "now" kaito picked me up "let's take you to the living room to rest!"

He took me to the living room and sat me down on the sofa. He pulled me into a hug. Suki licked sayoris face. She grown very fond of our daughter. She's always so gentle and sweet with her. Like she's knows to be careful. And people say cats are assholes!

"time to cuddle with my darlings" he chuckled.

"you dork" I giggled.

We cuddled on the sofa until shuichi got back from work.

"hey I got back as soon as I could. How's my little sayori" he said tickling her stomach

"she's doing fine. She's a spoilt girl having three daddy's all over her aren't you baby?" I said blowing raspberries on her cheek. She burst into delighted laughter.

"yeah we probably shouldn't spoil her so much" shuichi muttered "It won't do her any good in the future"

"true but she's a baby so we don't have to worry about that yet" I said.

"this is it guys" kaito said sitting in between us and wrapping his arms around us "we're finally parents"

"yeah" I smiled down at the baby in my arms "I guess we are"

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