Baby Room

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Shuichis pov

"I'm telling you it's perfect!"

I walked into our future baby's room to find my husbands kaito and kokichi arguing.

"kaito the whole room can not be space themed" kokichi said firmly.

"why not?" kaito argued.

"cause there's a chance our kid will have no interest in space"

"nonsense! Any kid of mine will love space with a passion!"

"you don't even know if it's your kid. It could be shuichis" kokichi pointed out. Come to think of it we don't actually know who the biological father is.

"that's a good point kokichi" I muttered "there no real way for us to know at the moment"

"sorry shuichi but it's definitely mine" kaito said confidently "I have the stronger genes out of us"

"you don't know that for sure!" I argued "and even if that is true there's still not a 100% chance the baby's yours"

"holy fuck now your arguing over who the baby belongs to" kokichi growled "can we please just get this over with I'm exhausted!"

"right sorry" I chuckled nervously. An angry kokichi isn't fun to deal with! I turned to kaito "we have enough space themed things in the room. Why don't we just paint the walls dark blue?"

"fair enough" kaito shrugged.

The three of us painted the walls together. Me and kokichi had to stand on stepladders while kaito was able to reached most of the wall himself.

Once we finished I looked around proudly. This is it. Our baby's really coming. I feel scared and excited at the same time. This is it. The start of our new family.

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