Water Broke

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Kokichis pov

I pulled on my restraints. Yep there pretty strong. Looks like I'm not going anywhere.

I sighed and looked up at the werehouse roof. She just had to bring me back to the place where maki nearly tortured me to death. What a bitch! I just hope I'm not causing shuichi and kaito too much trouble-

Suddenly I felt warm water run down my legs. My eyes widened. No no no come on not now!

"Tsmugi!" I yelled as a intense pain rushed through my body "Tsmugi please help I'm in labour!"

She poked her head "oh you are?"

"yes!" I yelled "Tsmugi please take me to a hospital. I promise I'll come straight back once the baby's born"

"hmm and why should I do that" she asked.I was shaking. I can't believe she'd ask something like that!

"because the baby's life could be in danger if they don't get medical help"

"oh but I do really care about the baby. All I care about is Dispair"

"please Tsmugi" I begged as tears ran down my face "please I'll do anything just help me!"

"ah there it is" she said cupping my face with her hands "that look of utter pain and Dispair. That's a face  befitting of someone who's going through Labour and has no way of getting any help" she took a seat opposite me "I think I'll watch you for a while"

It's hopeless. There's no way she'll help me. I just have to hope shuichi and kaito can rescue me in time.


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