Job At The Togami Corp

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Kokichis pov

"kokichi bring me a coffee"

"yes sir!"

I don't have a fancy job like my husbands. With my D.I.Ds it's pretty hard for me to get any sort of job so being an assistant for the togami corporation is the best I'm going to get.

I made a cup of coffee and slowly brought it to Byakuya, making sure I didn't spill anything.

"here you go sir" I said politely.

"good lad" he said taking a sip.

I bowed and was about to leave when...

"stay here a minute lad" I turned around in surprise.

"is there something you need sir?" I asked.

"no I just have a question" his gaze was fixed on me. I could tell he was serious "why are you wasting your talent on a job your clearly overqualified for?"


"don't make me repeat myself" he sighed "you have a brilliant mind kokichi and your wasting it serving a rich guy coffee"

"that's very kind of you to say sir but you do realise I'm sick right? A guy like me can't get a talented job"

"don't give me that" he said sternly "your illness has nothing to do with it. It's your willpower that's the problem. Stop using your illness as a scapegoat and start doing something worthwhile"

"thanks sir." I smiled at him. He can be pretty nice when he wants to be!

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now