Hateful Stares

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Shuichis pov

I sat awkwardly at our kitchen table. It's been a week since the argument and kaito and kokichi still haven't made up. In fact things just seemed to have gotten worse.

Kokichi walked into the kitchen. Kaito immediately sent a glare his way.

"oh look who it is the baby killer!"

"oh grow up kaito" kokichi sighed as he grabbed a panta bottle.

"what the fuck do you mean grow up!" kaito sat up suddenly. I tensed up slightly. The fightings going to start again.

"I mean stop harrasing me just cause your not getting your way!" kokichi glared at him "that's what a goddamn child would do"

"Well you know what you are a murderer if you go through with this" kaito glared right back "you don't have any excuse to kill our baby!"

"I'm mentally ill you son of a bitch!"

"we can help you with that kokichi your not alone" kaito tried to reason with him.

"bullshit! You two are never around everything would be left to me!" he glared at both me and kaito. I shrunk under his gaze. I really don't want to be involved in this.

"kokichi that's not true!"

"of course it's true!" he yelled "I don't care what you have to say anyway! It's my body and I want rid of it!"

"don't we get a say in it?" kaito yelled "we've been married for two fucking years. Dose that really mean nothing to you!?"

Kokichi turned to us with a cold stare "I'm sorry but I don't really care about the opinion of a spineless detective and a murderer!"


I stared at them in disbelief. Kaito just punched kokichi! Kokichi being as weak and frail as he was went flying into the wall. He sunk to his knees and clutch his stomach.

"guys my stomach hurts" he whimpered.

Me and kaitos eyes widened. Is he having a miscarriage?!

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now