Spilt Personality Parent

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Kokichis pov

"mommy can we ask you a question?" I turned around to see my son kiba and daughter sayori looking at me eagerly.

"sure you can baby's" I smiled down at them.

"can you tell us why sometimes you ask like an entirely different person?"

I froze.

"yeah you act funny mommy" kiba giggled.

I felt tears prick my eyes. I was hoping this day would never come.

"mommy are you ok" sayori asked worriedly.

"I'm fine baby" I said reassuringly "I just need to give your father's a call before answering your question"

"kay!" the kids smiled. Their such good kids. I hope they don't hate me after this!

I picked up the phone and rang shuichi.

"hey honey is everything ok?" shuichi asked worriedly. Its not often I ring him at work.

"the kids just asked about my other personas" I said quietly.

"I see" he muttered in a serious tone "well just hold on we'll be there soon"

After a couple of anxious moments with the kids kaito and shuichi came home.

"I'm glad your back" I smiled at them. Kaito walked up and hugged me. I felt like crying but managed to hold it in.

"alright kids" shuichi clapped his hands to get the kids attention "let's go to the kitchen to talk"

*time skip*

"so mommy has other people inside him" sayori asked.

"that's right" shuichi nodded.

"and their all different and stuff" kiba muttered.

"you got it kid" kaito flashed him a thumbs up.

"whoe" the kids gasped.

"I'm sorry if that's weird kids" I sighed.

"no way that's cool" sayori said hugging me.

"super cool" kiba said hugging my other side.

I giggled and held them both close. I guess telling them wasn't so hard!

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now