Kibas First Day At School

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Kokichis pov

Four years later

"are you excited for your first day at day care baby?" mum asked as we arrived at the hopes peak day care.

"yep" I said looking out the window. I hopped out and took mommy's hand as we walked into the day care.

"kazuichi? Is that you" mommy called out to a pink haired man. He turned around and smiled.

"hey kokichi! Is it your kids first day at day care too?" he asked

"yep it's my little kibas first day" mom said patting my head. "what about you?"

"oh it's my little Joseph's first day" she pointed at a boy with black and gray hair playing with a stuffed animal.

"oh why don't you go play with him baby?" mom said.

"ok!" I said excitedly running over to him.

"who the heck are you" he asked, already looking annoyed.

"my names kiba. Your jojo right?"

"no I'm Joseph"

"mmm ima call you jojo!"

"whatever" he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

I played with jojo for a while and then the teacher told us to play outside.

"hey wanna play hide and seek?" I asked.

"Okay" jojo counted to ten and I ran off to hide. After a while I got bored of hiding and went to look for him.

I found him protecting a red haired girls picture from bullies. Oh my gosh he's awesome!

"hey that's enough!" the teacher yelled "you boys are in a lot of trouble" she dragged the bullies off to time out.

"here's your picture back"  jojo said handing it to her.

"hehe thanks your my hero!" she said kissing his cheek.

"ew gross" I said rubbing my cheek in disgust.

"ohhh jojo has a girlfriend" I yelled.

"no I don't shut up!" he yelled at me.

"what's your name" she asked.

"Joseph but this idiot calls me jojo" he said pointing to me.

"I know you love me deep down" I giggled while jojo glared at me.

"Well jojo I promise that I himari will be your wife one day and I'll make you very happy!"

"no way" jojo said stepping back in shock. 

"yes way! I want to be with you forever!" she said clinging to his arm.

"Man this girls going to be trouble" jojo muttered.

I simply laughed. Man my new friends are fun!

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now