First Kicks

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Kokichis pov

I lay on the sofa cuddling shuichi and kaito. The pregnancy hadn't been easy. I've been throwing up, having mood swings and cry fits but kaito and shuichi have been nothing but supportive and everyone's really excited for the baby.

Anyway we were watching a movie together when I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach. Like someone was kicking me from the inside!

I clutched my stomach in pain. The boys looked at me worryingly.

"are you alright babe?" shuichi asked.

"yeah I think the baby just started kicking" I said reassuringly.

His eyes lit up as he lay his head on my stomach.

"wow. The little guy really is kicking!"

"ohh I wanna feel" kaito said excitedly.

"okay come here then momo-chan" I giggled. He lay his head on my stomach.

"wow its moving!" kaito gasped.

"yep" I said running my hands through his hair "our baby's really alive in there"

"they sure are" shuichi smiled at us.

These two goofballs ended up ignoring the movie completely and instead opted to feeling the baby in my stomach.

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