The Shocking Mastermind

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Kibas pov

We all took our places at the stands for the final time. This is it. If we can get though this the nightmare will finally be over. I can't give up now!

"alright Rai do your thing" I muttered before passing out.

Rais pov

I pushed up my glasses with a confident smile on my face. This is one trail we can't afford to lose!

"ok did anyone find anything?" miki asked nervously.

"Well I looked into the library and found a strange door" Jim muttered "I tried to find a way in but I was unfortunately unsuccessful"

"I saw that too" I muttered "it's quite obvious that that's where the Masterminds been hiding"

"it seems like someone else has the same idea" Jim folded his arms "I found a bunch of cameras around the corners of the library. Seems like someone was trying to catch them in the act"

"so is there any info on those cameras about the mastermind?" juno asked.

"afraid not" Jim sighed "It only has pictures on the students from the 53rd killing game"

Like kibas parents.

"crap. How are we going to find the mastermind now?" anzu said with slight panic in his voice. Looks like it's up to me to save the day

"I think I have the answer"

"you do?" willow gasped.

"aw dude your my hero!" anzu yelled.

I blushed at his embarrassing comment "yes anyway kiba and I found our student profiles"

"and what did they say?" kalya asked.

"Well naturally it had all our student profiles in in. All except one"

"and what one was that?" himari asked.

"it was yours willow"

"ehh?" she gasped.

"in fact your profile was replaced by a girl called aiyo yamashita. Dose that ring any bells?"

"no not at all" willow said shakingly. She may look innocent but I have a feeling she's our mastermind.

"now that you mention it I came across our memory book Monokuma gave us at the first Motive and I couldn't find willow anywhere" juno scratched her head "all I saw was a girl with black pigtails. I didn't regonise her at all!"

"aiyo yamashita" I muttered "whenever aiyo appears willow is nowhere to be seen. It lead me to believe their one in the same"

Everyone gasped.

"so your saying that willows our mastermind?" anzu said in disbelief.

"yes. Willow peaks or should we call you by your real name aiyo yamashita! What do you have to say for yourself!" I pointed accusingly.

"I-I-I- oh well you win some you lose some!" she shrugged as she pulled off her hat and wig. Revealing her black pigtails "what's up worms. Happy to meet the real me?"

"no not at all" anzu yelped.

"Well too bad! You guys asked for this!" she said in a singsong tone.

"so we found out your real identity. You gonna execute yourself as promised?" Joseph asked.

"don't be so quick to the gun hun" aiyo winked at him "there's still some things I need to explain"

"why should we care about anything you want to tell us" himari yelled. The others murmured in agreement.

"no trust me. You'll wanna hear this" she insisted "ok listen up. You'll get a real kick out of this. You know how I stole your memories"

"yeah" Jim raised an eyebrow.

"Well the memories I stole were that of your school days" she announced "Two years worth of them! You guys even graduated together!"

We couldn't speak. We could bearly comprehend what she just told us. The people we'd been stuck with. The people we watched die. We've known them for two plus years!

"Rai let me take over" kibas voice was seeping with anger. I didn't know if it was a good idea but I let him take control anyway.

Kibas pov

"how could you!" I was shaking with anger "how could you spend all that time with us then subject us to this killing game!"

Aiyo suddenly clenched her teeth "it was all your stupid sisters fault!" she yelled "she was onto me since day one. She knew I was going to start a killing game so I had to lay low and wait for the perfect opportunity to strike! I hated spending all that time with you happy  basturds. It made me sick being surrounded by such hopeful students. Seeing you all miserable and Dispair filled has made me like you alot more" she smiled cruelly.

"you bitch!" I yelled.

"hey that's enough" jojo placed a hand on my shoulder "it's ok kiba. She going to off herself now"

"that's right" she said slamming her hand on the red button. A chain came out of nowhere "so long losers!" she waved as the chain dragged her away to her punishment.

(her execution is the same as tsumugi minus the flying robot)

I stared at aiyos crushed body. I just realised that this was the first time I witnessed an execution and I felt a sickening sense of satisfaction from it. Like justice for the ones that died here was served. It felt wrong but also right.

I looked back at the remaining survivors and forced a smile on my face "we made it guys. We're finally going home!"

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