First Day At Hopes Peak Gone Wrong

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Sayoris pov

I stared up at the large building that would soon be my school. That school is hopes peak academy. The largest funded school in Japan that only the most talented people can go to.

Now this isn't to say that the school is perfect by any means. The school definitely has its own dark history but it would be foolish to let that stop me!

Your probably wondering who I am aren't you? Well I'm sayori saihara-ouma-mamota. Strange name I know but it's only like that cause I grew up in a poly family. I have two dads and one mom.

My biological father is shuichi who got me into detective work in the first place. I still however love my other dad as if he was my own. Then there's my mom kokichi. I'm probably closest with my mom since I can trust him not to say anything I tell him. My mom's mentally unwell though so we all have to look out for him.

Anyway I'm about to enter hopes peak and learn to be the best detective I can. This is my first step towards my shining future-

My thoughts were cut off by a strange smell entering my nostrils. My mind went fuzzy as I fell unconscious.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now