A Dead Body

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Kibas pov

I stared at the body in disbelief. Jakku. I never understood the guy but I certainly never wished death apon him!

Kayla climbed out of the water tank looking pale "I didn't know he was in there" she whimpered "I can't believe I jumped into a tank of water with a dead person!"

I took off my jacket and wrapped it around her "it's ok Kayla" I gave her a reassuring smile "we'll get through this. I promise we will"

"thanks kiba" she smiled greatfully "you always know what to say"

"call it a gift" I winked at her "now I better get going. I've got a certain someone I need to talk to"

*time skip*

I walked into my dorm room and looked in the mirror. Rai looked back at me.

"what are you doing kiba? We have an investigation to get through"

I took a deep breath "Rai I need your help to get through this trail. I need you to take over for me"

"are you really giving me permission to use your body" Rai raised an eyebrow.

"I-I know I'm not smart enough to do this on my own. I'm not a detective like sayori or dad. I can't help my friends like this. Please Rai I need your help"

Rai stayed silent for a moment "I suppose this benefits me as well so I have no reason to refuse"

"thank you" I breathed a sigh of relief.

"no problem now goodnight" with those parting words everything went dark.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now