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Shuichis pov

We ran to the hospital as soon as we could. We through the hospital doors open and yelled...

"please help! We think our husbands having a miscarriage!"

A nurse immediately came and took kokichi away. Turns out he was having a miscarriage and not only that but according to the doctors since he's so early in the pregnancy the miscarriage could be lifetreatening!

I blamed myself. I should have stepped in instead of just letting the fight escalate. I really am a spineless cowered!

Kaito was pacing back and forth. His breathing was fast and panicky.

"I'm a murderer" he muttered "I should be locked up and have the key thrown away so that I can't hurt anyone else I love!"

"kaito calm down" I said gently.

"how can I calm down!" he yelled "my husband and child could die and it would be all my fault! I'm a monster I'm a monster-" he rocked back and forth shakingly.

"kaito look at me" I gently cupped his face and made him sit down "honey your having a panic attack. I need you to breathe for me"

He pulled me into a hug and burst into tears "I don't want to lose him!"

"we're not going to darling. He's going to pull out of this just fine" I didn't really believe my own words but we gotta hold onto hope right?

We sat there for the next hour with fear building up in my chest. After what felt like forever the doctor came out.

"you'll both be glad to hear that both kokichi and the baby have survived" smiles lit up our faces. Thank god! "he is in a delicate condition however so for the safety of the unborn child we shall keep him hospitalised for a while"

"that's understandable" I nodded "do you think we could see him?"

"of course go right ahead" we bowed greatfully and walked in.

Kokichi lay in looking paler then usual.

Kaito ran to his side with tears streaming down his face "are you ok baby"

"I'm a little sore but I'll be ok" kokichi smiled weakly.

Kaito lay his head on Kokichis chest muttering "I'm sorry" over and over again.

Kokichi stroked his hair with a gentle smile "its ok kaito. I kinda asked for it with that last comment" he turned to me "I'm also sorry for what I said to you shuichi. Your not spineless. Your real strong to have put up with me and kaito for so long"

I smiled back at him with tears in my eyes "It's ok kokichi. I'm just glad you're safe"

There was a silence between us until...

"hey guys" kokichi spoke up.

"what is it baby?" I said stroking his face.

"I.. want to keep the baby"

Our eyes widened.

"what changed your mind honey" kaito asked.

Kokichi teared up slightly "I was really scared during that miscarriage. I can't imagine how scared the baby must have felt so I don't want to get rid of it anymore. I want to protect it"

We smiled and hugged him. We felt a sense of relief and happiness. This is the start of our new family.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now