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Kaitos pov

"hey kiddo" I looked up from my work to see my sorta mentor kazuichi. I plan to go up to space in a year or two so kazuichis teaching me how to do repairs in space if something goes wrong.

"hey kazuichi" I waved happily "your here early"

"that's because I have some news" kazzy grinned.

"what kind of news?" I asked.

"Well you now how me and gundam have wanted kids for a while"


"Well our high school friend Sonia has agreed to be the surrogate mother as long as we agree to give a sperm donation to her girlfriend chiaki so that they can have children too" he looked so happy. Being a parent must be a great feeling!

"I'm so happy for you" I said pulling him into a hug.

"thanks kid" he chuckled.

There was a awkward silence for a bit until kazuichi smirked at me.

"ok I can tell somethings on your mind. Wanna talk about it?" damn trust kazuichi to read me like a book!

"Well Kokichi and his personas have been real hard to deal with lately. I don't know what to do about it"

Kazuichi sighed "well I don't know a whole lot about mental illnesses but I think if you love somebody you have to put up with things you don't like. I don't like that gundam adopts every animal he finds on the streets or that he tries to summon demons at three in the morning but I love him so I put up with it. You love kokichi don't you?"

"of course I do!" I said firmly.

He placed his hand on my shoulder "then I'm confident that everything will be alright"

Kazuichis given me great advice over the years. I probably wouldn't have confessed my feelings to shuichi and kokichi if kazuichi hadn't encouraged me to. If he says everything will be alright then I believe him!

"soooo should we get started?" kazuichi grinned.

"sure" I nodded greatfully.

As long as I put up with it everything should be fine.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now