Picnic Under The Stars

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Kaitos pov

"come on guys just a little further" I encouraged my lovers.

Kokichi was soon hitting the nine month mark and I wanted to celebrate in a special way.

Kokichi fell to his knees in exhaustion. Shuichi looked at him worryingly. I guess asking him to walk all the way up the hill is asking a little much!

I scooped him up in my arms and rubbed noses with him "come on love I'll Carry you up"

"hehe ok" kokichi giggled.

I took them up the hill where a starry night picnic was awaiting us.

"wow kai-chan how romantic" kokichi gasped.

"it reminds me of our first date" shuichi said hugging my arm.

"that's the point" I grinned at them "this is going to be the last time we're single so let's enjoy it while we still can!"

"sounds fun babe" kokichi giggled.

We sat down and pulled out the food from the picnic basket. We poured large plastic cup of coke and tousted to our future child.

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