My Class

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Kibas pov

"hey guys what did I miss?"

My friends stared at me in disbelief before takle hugging me. It was so sudden that I almost fell over.

"thank god! I thought you died kiba" himari whimpered.

"don't ever pull shit like that again" jojo yelled.

"I'm sorry" I teared up slightly. I felt selfish for making my friends worry like that.

"it's ok" Kayla gently cupped my cheeks "as long as your alright then everything's perfectly fine!" I smiled back at her. She's such a sweet girl. I'm lucky to have her here to encourage me.

"now let's get some food in ya. You look like that guy from the night before Christmas" jojo said slapping me on the back.

"gee thanks" I chuckled as they led me down to the dining hall.

Everyone was already at the dining hall when I arrived. The twins were chatting up a storm in the back, anzu was talking to juno and miki (didn't know those guys got along) and willow was watering the plants. I smiled weakly at this. It seems life really dose go on.

Once anzu caught sight of me he jumped out of his seat and ran up to me.

"holy shit dude are you alright?"

"yeah sorry about making you worry" I muttered.

He pulled me into a surprise hug "well don't do it again!"

Juno chuckled lightly "jumpys been really freaking out ever since you locked yourself in your room. Try not to make a habit of that"

"I'll try" I scratched my head in embarrassment.

Himari tapped jojos shoulder nervously "I think I should go get kiba something to eat. He must be starving"

"good idea" jojo muttered. My eyes widened. He didn't yell at her or even look slightly annoyed. That's never happened before!

"did something happen between you two while I was gone?"

Jojo sighed "well we were both worried sick about you so for once we had something in common" his face suddenly turned "but that doesn't mean anything so don't look into it!" he marched off. I smirked at him. Oh no need to worry jojo. I ship it!

I took a seat at the table. Everyone immediately ran over to ask how I was. Himari placed my food down and I had a conversation while I wolfed down my meal. Everything was great until...

"alright kiddos head to the gymnasium for your next Motive!"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now