Losing A Job

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Kokichis pov

"your firing me?" I muttered in disbelief.

"yes" Byakuya said simply.

"but why?" I whimpered "I thought I was doing a good job!"

"you did do a good job. A marvellous job actually"

"then why?"

"because" he placed a hand on my shoulder "your a brilliant young man with an incredible mind. I refuse to allow you to waste your life in a place like this"

"but what am I supposed to do now?" I whimpered.

"I'm not sure. Your going to have to figure that out yourself" with that he left.

I ran back home in tears. Luckily shuichi and kaito were at work so I was able to cry in peace. I felt so useless. How can I help support my husbands if I can't keep a job!

How can I be any use to anyone?

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now