Acceptance Letter

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Sayoris pov

I walked home only to be takled hugged by my dad kaito.

"dad what the heck!" I gasped

"aww kid I'm so proud of you! You did it. You really did it!"

"I did what?" I asked feeling really confused.

"you got into hopes peak honey" mom said handing me a letter.

It said...

You sayori saihara-ouma-mamota will be attending hopes peak under the title of ultimate detective. Your first day starts at September 16. We hope to see you there!

A huge smile spread across my face.

"I did it!" I pulled my mom and dads into a hug "I'm going to hopes peak!" I gasped and suddenly let them go "I gotta tell token!"

I raced over to tokens house and knocked on the door. Tokens mom komaru answered the door

"hello sayori honey. Its always wonderful to see you" she smiled warmly at me.

"thank you Mrs fukawa" I nodded politely "May I come in? I have some news for token"

"sure honey come right on in" she stepped back and let me in

I walked into tokens room to find him reading a thick book which I knew he was hiding a manga under.

"hey token I just got into hopes peak!" I said showing him my letter

"so did I!" token said showing me his letter.

My eyes lit up excitedly. This all feels like a dream but it's real! I'm really going to hopes peak with my best friend and I'm making my parents proud! life really seems perfect right now.

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