Pregnant Personas

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Little bit of filler for all of you looking for more Persona chapters!

Shuichis pov

I collapsed on the bed feeling exhausted. Kaito soon joined me. Taking care of a pregnant partner is hard work but things get even more complicated when Kokichis personas get involved.

Pregame wasn't too bad. He was actually quite sweet and loving towards his unborn child.

I found him in bed rubbing his pregnant stomach

"I'm so glad kokichi chose to keep the baby. Having a child is a beautiful gift" he smiled warmly.

"I'm glad you think so" I smiled back at him.

He stayed silent for a while "I want to help kokichi be a good mother to this baby. He's been worried about that you know"

"I know but you'll guide him in the right direction. You always do"

"thank you shuichi. You and kaito are good people. I'm so glad to be part of this family"

"we're glad to have you" I said pulling him into a hug.

Dice was a whole other story...

"so he didn't go through with the abortion. What a bother" dice sighed "oh well it seems I'll have to get rid of it myself" he raised his fist to punch himself in the stomach.

"no!" me and kaito quickly pinned him to the ground and held him until he turned back.

Crybaby was well scared by the whole thing.

"waaaaaa I'm scared of having a baby" he sobbed.

"I know baby but it's going to be ok" kaito said reassuringly "I promise everything will be just fine"

"mmm hug me kai-chan" he begged.

"of course sweetheart" he said pulling the smaller boy into a hug "I'll give you all the hugs in the world!"

Playful was overly excited about having a baby.

"hehe having a babys going to be fun" he bounced around excitedly.

"it sure will hun but maybe you should settle down a bit" I said worried that he would overexcert himself.

"no! I want to play!" he yelled running with his arms stretched out like a airplane.

"don't run while your pregnant!" kaito ran after him worriedly.

I chuckled. Kaitos going to have a heart attack by the time this is over!

Then his phantom theif persona was just pure madness!

"ah dear detective and astronaut we meet again!" he said laughing like a mad man. "I hope you don't plan to stop my robbery attempt"

"uhh phantom your pregnant. You can't go around robbing places during a pregnancy" I sighed at the sillyness.

"good point dear detective" he said looking down at his stomach "but a pregnancy won't stop me from making my daring escape. Catch me if you can detective!" he ran off.

"don't run!" kaito yelled chasing after him.

We've been dealing with this stuff for two months now and it's left us both exhausted.

"hey guys" we looked up to see kokichi. Not any of his persons. Just kokichi. He was five months in and actually looked pregnant now.

"hey baby" I smiled at him "you wanna cuddle with us?"

"that would be great" he grinned nuzzling in between us.

Me and kaito smiled at each other. Kokichis personas are difficult to deal with but I'd say all of that work is definitely worth it!

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