Exploring With A Phycopath

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Sayoris pov

I was exploring the school looking for an exit when...

"surprise!" tokens split personality jack popped out of nowhere.

"ah your still here Jack" I muttered feeling a little annoyed. Tokens my best friend however and I'm willing to deal with his other side. Besides I've had plenty of practice with my mother.

"yep yep and I wanna explore with you" he giggled.

"and why would you want to do that?" I raised an eyebrow.

"cause your fun! The way you took down that ami guy was totally awesome!"

"I wouldn't really consider that awesome" I sighed.

"I would!" he grinned "your fun sayori and I want see you break" his face suddenly turned darker.

"your welcome to try" I rolled my eyes and got back to work.

"hello there" I turned around to see talya smiling at me.

"wow its the hot one" jack drooled a puddle.

"charming" talya rolled her eyes. She came up to me and smiled "you really impressed me back there. You saw through that whole fake crime scene. I suppose they don't call you the ultimate detective for nothing"

"I appreciate the complement" I smiled.

She sighed "I've always tried to live up to my father's expectations. He took me in and made me his successer dispite me not being a Togami by blood. I always trying to live up to those expectations but there's clearly still some things I need to learn"

So she was adopted. It's honestly surprising how much she looks like Mr Togami. Maybe it was meant to be.

"I've always been interested in murder cases like the genocide Jack cases. And to think that not only is genocide Jacks gender revealed but also that's she's a mother" talya muttered "I'd love to hear more her from token"

"awwww you'd rather talk to that twerp then me" Jack whined "oh well anything for you babe" he fainted and a couple of seconds later he stood up. His red eyes had changed back to a light brown and he had a worried look on his face.

"where am I? Weren't we just in the middle of a trail?" his eyes widened "he got out didn't he?"

"yes" talya bent down to his hight "I would like to ask you some questions about your mother if you don't mind"

He blushed slightly "well I don't like talking about her but I guess I could try"

"thank you. Your much easier to talk to then your other half" talya smiled "come with me"

The two of them left leaving me alone. I let out a sigh. Maybe now I can get some work done.

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