Second In Charge

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Kokichis pov

"kid get in here!"

"coming sir!"

I was offered a job in the kuzuryu clan and today was my first day. Toko and komaru had agreed to look after sayori while me and my husbands were at work which was great since it gave sayori a chance to get to know their son token.

I ran into the room to see fuyuhiko with his wife peko. She was holding a gray haired baby in her arms.

"wow I didn't know you were a father sir" I gasped.

"yeah this is my son peako" he said proudly "he's about five months old"

"that's three months older than my sayori" I giggled.

"that's lovely dear" peko smiled warmly at me "perhaps our children could be friends in the future".

"that would be nice" I smiled back.

"Well I've got to put peako down for his nap. I'll leave you boys to it" with that she left.

Fuyuhiko turned to me "alright kid me and the boys will be taking down a rival yakusa who decided to fuck with us. I need ideas pronto"

"of course sir"

So me and Fuyuhiko spoke on battle plans. He seems impressed by my knowledge. I'd say my first day was pretty successful!

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now