A Class Trail

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Sayoris pov

We all took our places at the stands. A class Trail. I never thought that I'd have to go through a class Trail like my parents did but if my parents could make it through this then so can I!

"oh geez I have no idea how to start" mibuki muttered.

"we've never been in this kind of situation before so it's only natural that we'd be lost on what to do" peako muttered.

"then let's leave it up to the professionals" marco yelled pointing at me "go on detective girl show us what you've got!"

"Umm ok" I said a little taken aback from marcos energy "we should start off with the Monokuma file"

"eh? That weird file?" token muttered "I never opened it. The whole thing felt fishy" the others murmured in agreement.

"whaaaat you never read my file? How mean!" Monokuma pouted.

"Well lucky for all of you I did" I smiled "the victim tenso Hannamora was killed at 11:50pm"

"so he died at night" peako muttered.

"hehehe 11:50pm. So close to the demon hour. It must have been bad luck that he was killed" karai chuckled.

"why the hell would anyone be up around that time" hidori yelled.

"I might have an answer for that" akamaru spoke up.

"eww it's you" she glared at akamaru "this better be good or I'll rip your balls off!"

"how violent!" mibuki gasped.

"I get the feeling you don't like me" akamaru muttered.

"you get the feeling?" token raised an eyebrow.

"anyway the reason I have has to do with the food I just ate"

"that's your reason" hidori growled "that's it ripping off your balls!"

"whoe hear the guy out before you tear off his manhood" mibuki insisted.

"fine!" hidori pouted.

"the food I found was half eaten and cold. I believe tenso was having a midnight snack before he was attacked" akamaru explained.

"that would explain why he was at the dining hall at night" naoko muttered.

"fine I guess your balls are safe for now" hidori mumbled.

"alright moving on" I said gaining back everyone's attention "we should next talk about the murder weapon"

"oh yeah it's that weird knife thingy" ami muttered.

"not just a knife it's a kunai" karai stated "it's a Japanese weapon mainly used by ninjas"

"strange how you know that isn't it karai" I stared at her with suspicion.

"wait you suspect her of murder" marco glared at me "what the hell! She's your friend isn't she?"

"she is but that doesn't mean she's free of my suspicion. Everyone here is a suspect" I said calmly.

"I know knowledge of the murder weapon cause I am the ultimate ninja" karai replied "if that's all you have on me then I'm afraid your case won't stand"

"it's not actually" I said with a smile "I noticed that the kunai was sticking out in an upward angle, indicating that it was throw from a hight. I looked more into it and found a footprint on the wooden support beam. Now who could have got up there other than the ultimate Ninja"

"that footprint could have been made at any time. It could have been made before we got here!" karai said sweating bullets. I've got her on the ropes now.

"really? Then I'll have to use some proof that you can't refuse!" I yelled.

"oh yeah. And what would that be dear friend?" she grinned confidently (or at least try to).

"polo saw a figure dressed in black robes last night" I explained.

"but can we be sure that polo's alibi is true" talya questioned "he could be covering up for himself since he's the real murderer!"

"how dare you accuse my kid brother of murder!" marco growled.

"Well can you prove he didn't!"

"I can" peako spoke up.

"ah that's right I stayed in Mr peako room around the time of the murder so I have an alibi" polo said looking relieved.

"wait you stayed with that creepaziod!" Marco gasped.

"I'll try not to take offence to you obvious insult" peako muttered.

"it's ok big bro I promise Mr peako is super nice" polo said reassuringly.

"meh I don't trust him" Marco said glaring at peako.

"anyway polo can you give us a detailed discriptions on the shadowed figure you saw" naoko asked. At least someones paying attention!

"Umm well all I can tell you is that they were completely dressed in black" polo sighed "I'm sorry I'm so useless"

"no polo that was quite helpful" I grinned.

"and how dose that prove that I'm the killer?" karai asked.

"because me and token checked out the furnace and found a piece of black clothing that looks very similar to a Ninjas outfit" I said pointing to her.

She stayed silent for a while before smiling at us "well as my father says a mortal must know when their time is up. Alright sayori let's end this farce shall we?"

"that's right it's voting time!" Monokuma popped up with a grin "now press the button on whoever you think the blackened is. Will you get it right or wrong. Let's find out now!"

We all voted for karai and got it right.

"why weird girl" marco asked shakingly "I thought you wanted to help us all escape. You seemed so genuine. Why betray us?"

She sighed "I saw my family in that tape. My mother, father and little brother. I couldn't allow that foul beast to harm them!" she turned away from us "it was a difficult choice to make but in the end I chose my families safely over your own and I understand if you hate me for that. I just wish for this to end now"

"rightio onto the punishment!" Monokuma said gleefully "let's give it everything we've got! Iiiiiits punishment Time!"

Karai looked at us all helplessly before she was dragged off with a metal chain. She was placed in a Japanese setting and chained to a pole.

Karai Tanakas punishment
How good are your reflexes?

A bunch of dogs and cats dressed in ninja outfits were carrying throwing stars. They threw them at karai and she dodged them without breaking a sweat. The throwing stars kept getting faster and faster until the animals grabbed guns and shot her. She of corse wasn't fast enough to dodge bullets and she couldn't avoid them thanks to the chain around her neck so she got hit. The animals kept firing their guns until karai stopped moving.


The trail room was a mixture of panic and fear. It made sense. This was everyone's first experience with a life coming to a end so its only natural that they'd scream.

I felt something warm and wet on my cheek. I wiped it off with my hand and was shocked at what I saw.

Tears. I was crying for the loss of my friend.

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