Serial Killer

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Shuichis pov

*snap snap*

I looked down at the murder victim. One in many in our new serial killer case.

Mahiru was taking pictures of the crushed body. She looked up with a sigh.

"it's really a shame to have this done to someone body. You two said this was a serial killer case right"

"yes" kyoko muttered "we're calling it the mastermind murders"

"the mastermind murders?" mahiru questioned.

"yeah the victims body is crushed to the point that they can't be recognised. This is the same fate that befalls the masterminds of danganrompa" I explained.

"god that's awful" mahiru covered her mouth in shock "well I got to print out these pictures. I better leave you two detectives to it" with that she left.

"you look nervous shuichi" kyoko pointed out "is there something wrong?"

I sighed. Trust kyoko to see right through me "well Kokichis really close to having the baby and when I hear about new serial Killers popping up it- well it worries me"

"your getting a case of the first dad gitters" kyoko chuckled "I know about this cause mokoto was the same when our daughter was born but you shouldn't worry shuichi. Your going to make a great dad"

"you really think so?" I asked.

She placed a hand on my shoulder "I know so"

I smiled and nodded gratefully before returning to work. I can't wait to get back to my family again.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now