Sleepover With Tokens

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Sayoris pov

I was sitting up watching TV late at night when I heard a desperate knock on the door. Normally I don't answer doors at night cause my mom taught me not to don't the knocking sounded scared and desperate. I felt like I needed to answer the door.

I answered the door to see my best friend token. He looked scared and there were dry tears on his face.

"are you ok-"

"can I please stay here tonight?" token asked. This was a normal thing for us. For some reason token never stayed at his own place at night. The strange thing however is that he's never come around this late at night.

"sure come on in" I said letting him in "I'll tell my parents about it tomorrow"

"thanks" he muttered taking a seat next to me.

There was an uncomfortable silence between us. I fought with myself on whether or not I should ask about what happened. Eventually I decided to just go for it.

"soooo do you want to talk about-"

"nope!" wow I was shut down fast!

"ok then let's watch a movie"

"kay I'll get the popcorn!"

So the two of us wrapped ourselves in blankets, ate popcorn and watched the godzilla vs King Kong movie. We both knew godzilla would win so neither of us were disappointed by the movie. We both fell asleep on the sofa.

I wonder if I'll ever learn what happened.

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