A Motive To Kill

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Kibas pov

"raise and shine ursine!"

I was woken up by those obnoxious Teddy bears. I bearly got a wink of sleep and now I have to wake up to this!

"I see your awake" Rai said

"Well it's impossible to sleep with this nonsense" I grumbled.

I heard Rai chuckle "I'm guessing you're tired"

"I've never been so tired in my life!"

"a shot of coffee should wake you up" he muttered "to the kitchen!"

I dragged my feet to the kitchen and poured myself some coffee. I didn't like the taste of coffee but I'd do anything to shake this tired feeling away.

Jojo took a seat next to me "did you sleep last night?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"yeah I don't think many of us did" he muttered "this is a difficult situation we found ourselves in. Man what I'd give to be back home helping dad with his many pets that he's still convincing mom to let him keep"

"and what I'd give to be working out with dad's and having a nice meal at home" I muttered

"but you know you did give me home that things might go back to normal soon" he smiled at me. I don't think I've ever seen jojo smile before. It's strangly nice!

"you really think so?" I asked.

"yeah that little speech you gave really touched my heart. You always have been a real people person kiba"

I smiled at him. I've never been complimented my jojo before. I must have really did something great-

"jojo my beloved there you are!" himari came out of nowhere and hugged jojos arm.

"my god himari you ruin everything" jojo glared at her making himari tear up. Before she could say anything back those teddies popped up again

"alright shitheads!" monokid yelled "go to the gymnasium. Papas got a message for you"

"yeah" monotaro piped up "I don't remember what the message was but it was important!"

"monotaro just keep your mouth shut and go to the gymnasium" monosuke growled.

"Roger!" monotaro said brightly.

With that they disappeared.

Jim stood up "we better get going. It's not wise for us to disobey our captors" we begrudgingly agreed.

We arrived at the gymnasium. Monokuma was grinning at us from the stage.

"alright kids I've come to a conclusion" he muttered "if I want you kids to start killing for me I gotta give you a good reason to"

"you just figured that out now? That should have been the first thing you thought of" juno rolled her eyes.

"shut up!" Monokuma yelled "anyway here's your motive for today" he handed us a notebook.

I flipped through the first few pages and gasped. The pictures showed all of us in hopes peak uniforms. We all looked so happy. But I don't understand. We never received hopes peak uniforms. We never even stepped inside hopes peak so how were these pictures taken?!

"pretty confusing huh" Monokuma giggled "it seems like there's some memories you don't remember. Could it be cause I stole them"

"cut the bullshit!" jakku yelled "you can't steal memories!"

"oh but I can and I did" Monokuma snatched the book out of my hands "I think you've seen enough. If you want to know more about your missing memories then I suggest you start killing!" with that he and the monokubs vanished.

"Well look at that. Not you have a good reason to kill" Rai muttered.

"Rai I am not killing anyone!" I muttered under my breath.

"huh? Did you say something kiba?" kalya looked up at me.

"oh nothing!" I said quickly. It's best I don't say anything about Rai for now "say you wanna hang out?"

"oh sure. A good magic show always makes me feel better. I've never preformed without mama but I'll try my best to be entertaining" she smiled sweetly.

"ok" I said as I followed her outside. Looking back on it we really should have stayed and talked about it more. Maybe then we could have prevented the tragedy that was about to occur.

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