Peakos Birthday

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Kokichis pov

Today was Fuyuhikos son peakos birthday and the boss decided to throw him a huge birthday party.

I walked there with shuichi beside me and kaito carrying our little girl in his arms.

"party! Party!" sayori giggled.

"that's right baby it's your friends birthday" I said tickling her stomach.

I arrived at the kuzuryu house and knocked on the door. Fuyuhiko answered it with a grin.

"kid your finally here. Now get your asses in here!"

"yes sir!"

We walked inside. The whole house was covered in decorations. I saw that kazuichi, gundam and their daughter karai were already there.

"hey guys!" I called to them.

They turned to us with a smile "hey kokichi. I see sayoris here too"

"yep!" I grinned "peko wouldn't forgive me if I didn't take peakos little friend to the party"

"good point" kazuichi got down to kotas hight "hey sayori it's your goddaddy"

"uwcal kazzy" sayori cooed excitedly. Kazuichi looked like his heart melted a little bit.

"guys get down she's coming!" fuyuhiko yelled.

We all hid and turned off the lights. Once peko walked through the door we jumped out and yelled "surprise!!"

She looked at us in surprise then smiled warmly at us.

"how wonderful. I'm so happy to see you all at peakos birthday" peako cooed excitedly at the bright lights and balloons. Fuyuhiko walked up and kissed his son on the head.

I smiled at them happily. Man their a cute family!

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