Tokens Lack of Trust

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Sayoris pov

I walked into the living room to hear the most bizarre conversation.

"stay the hell away from me freak!" I heard token yell at a confused looking akamaru.

"what's wrong? I just wanted us to be friends" akamaru explained.

"bullshit!" token yelled "I know you're just trying to get me alone so you could kill me!"

"wha- no I'd never do that"

"save it!" token pushed him aside and marched off.

I frowned. I'll need to talk to him about his behaviour.

*time skip*

"what was that about?" I approached him in the library.

He put his book down with a sigh "I don't know what you're talking about. I acted completely rasonal in that situation"

"yelling at a kid who just wanted to be friends with you and marched out of the room. I wouldn't consider that rasonal" I folded my arms.

"you can't trust people in a killing game sayori. I thought you were smarter then that" he muttered as he put his book away.

"a lack of trust can be just as dangerous as too much trust. I thought you were smarter then that" I narrowed my eyes.

"why do you even care? They all hate you you know" he said bitterly.

"that may be the case but they don't hate you. I don't think you should be making yourself their enemy"

"so what do you expect me to do just trust them wholeheartedly!" token yelled suddenly "well no thank you! I got hurt by trusting someone before. I'm not going to let myself get hurt again!"

"you got hurt by trusting someone?" I asked. This is the first time I heard of it.

His eyes widened like he just let something important slip. He sighed "I guess you were going to find out eventually miss detective so I'll just tell you" he took a seat looking nervous "it was my mother. See really hurt me"

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