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Kaitos pov

I was sitting in the living room watching a movie with my husband shuichi and daughter sayori. Kokichi was ironing stuff for my grandparents.

Suddenly I got a text on my phone. I turned to shuichi with a sigh.

"looks like we gotta return to future fondation buddy. They wanna talk more about you know what"

"right" shuichi sighed. He turned to kokichi "you'll be ok without us won't you?"

"of course I will! I have grandma and gramps here if anything goes wrong so there's no need to worry" he grinned.

"ok" me and shuichi both kissed him on the cheek "see you soon love"

We were about to leave when sayori grabbed our sleeves "you'll be back soon right daddy's"

"of course we will" I said kissing her on the head "we'll be back as quick as a flash"

"ok" she said letting us go. The two of us left. If only we realised what a big mistake that was.

Kokichis pov

I was almost finished with all the ironing when I suddenly felt a stabbing pain in my stomach. I thought nothing of it until I felt warm water run down my legs.

"kokichi honey are you alright?" grandma asked.

"no" I said clutching the ironing board in pain "I think I'm going into labour!"

Her eyes widened "honey get the car" she yelled to gramps "we need to kokichi to a hospital"

"right!" he yelled running to his keys.

"now darling it's going to be alright" grandma said gently leading me to the car "we're going to drive you to the hospital and then you can meet your son"

"o-ok" I said trying to take deep breaths.

"grandma what's wrong with mommy?" sayori asked nervously.

"it's nothing sweetheart just go to the car" grandma said firmly.

"ok" she whimpered. I can't imagine how scary this must be for a five year old girl. Oh well it will all be ok once kibas born.

Shuichis pov

We left future Fondation after a long talk about Tsmugi. Turns out they also have reason to believe that she's still alive. Just great!

We entered our car and were about to drive off when suddenly kaito phone rang.

"hello" kaito answered the phone. He listened for a while and his face suddenly turned serious "right we'll be right there" he hung up.

"who was that?" I asked.

"it was grandma" he muttered gripping the steering wheel "Kokichis gone into labour"

*time skip*

We arrived at the hospital and rushed into the waiting room. Sayori was quietly sobbing into kaitos grandpa's chest.

"hey its alright sweetheart. Don't cry" kaito said scooping the small girl into his arms.

"not it's not alright!" she yelled "mommy hurting!"

"I know baby girl but the pain will go away once your baby brother is born" he said gently rocking the girl.

"r-really?" she whimpered.

"that right sayori" I said rubbing her back "everything will be ok once kibas here"

After a few hours and sayori falling asleep a doctor finally came out.

"your son is here. Would you like to meet him?" we nodded and gently shook sayori awake.

"mmm" she groaned rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"sayori kibas here" I told her.

"really!" she said immediately waking up.

"yep" I grinned "let's go meet her"

We walked into the room to find kokichi laying in bed with a tiny baby on his chest. The baby had spiky purple hair and large blue eyes. He was our son.

"isn't he amazing" kokichi smiled at us "he was born with spiky hair so he's definitely your kid kaito"

"he's so cool!" kaito said excitedly.

"even if he's not my son I'll still love him forever" I smiled down at him.

Sayori walked up and petted kibas head "I'm going to love you forever" she muttered.

"awww" kaitos grandparents gushed.

We spent the rest of the night admiring our new family member.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now