A New Day

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Sayoris pov

I woke up with dry tears on my face. I remembered last night and it filled me with dread.

I killed one of my friends.

I knew it had to be done. She couldn't get away with taking another human life but that didn't make it any easier. One question lingered in my mind.

Will I have to do it again?

Will I have to kill another of my friends?

These questions were eating me up alive. Speaking of eating I should head to the dining hall. Everyone will be waiting for me.

I walked to the dining hall alone and was immediately met with several glares. It was understandable why they were angry at me. I basically told them that I saw them as suspects. There's no way I can make that sound better for myself.

I sighed, grabbed some food from the kitchen and sat next to token and peako. The only people here who didn't seem to hate me.

"hey sayori I heard from that idiot marco that the second floor is now open" token said.

"yes it seems there rewarding us for getting through the class trail" peako muttered.

"interesting" I said standing up "I suggest we check it out" the boys nodded and we went up to the second floor.

We found many things up there like a gym, a swimming pool and a bigger library.

"I bet miss talya will like this" token gushed.

"keep it in your pants" I muttered.

I looked over at peako who was staring blankly out a seiled up window.

"are you feeling ok peako" I said placing a hand on his shoulder.

He sighed "I understand why she did it. When I saw my father, mother and little brother on that screen I also felt blinded with dread. I don't blame her for what she did. I'm just sad she's no longer with us"

I nodded solomly. What is this unjust place that forces people to comit such vail acts? Is this really the hope we were searching for when we entered this school?

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