Creating a Alliance

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Naokos pov

We sat down together in a bar and shared a drink. I figured this would be a good way to get to know him.

"soooo your talya little brother aren't you"

"tch" he muttered "she's no sister of mine. She doesn't even have Togami blood and yet father made her his heir"

"I can understand how you feel" I sighed "I often feel overshadowed by my little brother jim. After all he's a much better detective than I'll ever be and my mother's family consist of detectives but at the end of the day I love him and I'm sure you love your sister too"

"I do not love her" he growled "she's just some orphan that father took pity on. She'll never be my real sister-

"that's enough" I stood up with a glare "I will not sit here and listen to you insult my friend just cause your feeling left out. That's on your father not her. Now I have friends I need to look for. Good day!" I turned around and was about to leave when...

"wait!" I turned around to see kuya running up to me "I don't want to wonder around here alone so I'll help you look for your friends"

"alright then" I smiled at him as we walked out the door. He's a good kid at heart.

"oh and naoko?"


"thanks for rescuing me and talking to me like a normal person" he said bashfully. I guess he's not used to thanking people.

"no problem" I smiled at him "now let's get moving"

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now