Meeting The Mastermind

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Sayoris pov

We arrived at aiyos room. I turned to my other group of survivors. They nodded. I took a deep breath and opened the door

Aiyo was sitting on the floor with a big grin on her face. Looks like she was waiting for us.

"ohhh can I torture this one?" Jack said boncing about excitedly.

"no we need to talk to her first" I stepped in front of him "tell me why your doing this to us?"

Her smile suddenly fell and she stood up "you took away the only person who ever cared for me. I had to punish you someone but I'm done now"

"what do you mean you're done!" polo yelled.

She giggled to herself as she stepped towards the window "one day I'm going to have a killing game of my own but for now you win" she threw us a key "this is a key to your families prison. I don't need them anymore so you can have them back" she stood on the window "bye bye survivors" with that she jumped out the window, landed on a branch and ran away.

I looked down at the Key in my hand. Looks like we can finally see our families.

disfunctional family (sqeacal to the real me) Where stories live. Discover now